
A Blog Where Fear Is Welcomed

The Nature of Horror

Horror’s surrealist and realist nature provides an audience with a source of entertainment. It also grants access for Young Adults (the main audience of the genre) to explore their fears safely. However, horror wasn’t always this way. So, let’s explore the interesting tale of the birth and growth of horror… From ancient mythology and folklore…

The Geography of Fear: Horror and Location

‘The house and home are NOT a place for safety, horror tells us.’– Gina Wisker There is a taxonomy of locations in horror fiction: houses, mansions and asylums which can all create a different atmosphere depending on how the writer chooses to use setting. Some have argued that ‘setting is the monster’ as environments can…

The Psychology of Fear II: Horror and The Writer

‘Cowards make the best horror writers, because we know what fear feels like,’ – Rayne Hall My previous post explored the origins of fear and my own phobias. However, I hereby suggest a universal fear that society should share: the horror writer. For decades Edgar Allan Poe, Stephen King and Dean Koontz have seeped fear…

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